As Sisters of the Resurrection we were founded to be instruments of the renewal of society. Two years after our Foundresses, Blessed Celine and Venerable Hedwig professed their vows, our first Apostle of the Resurrection made her Promises. It is evident that the Apostles shared our charism and mission from the very beginning of the Congregation which enables us to be responsive to the signs of the times.
Actually, in the special Rule followed by the Apostles, the group is defined as “an association of Catholic laywomen who are united spiritually to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection according to the Rule approved for them by the Church.”
Apostles are called:
• To give glory to the Triune God by their life and by their work,
• To proclaim that Jesus Christ is risen and is our peace, our hope and our joy,
• To witness to the Risen Christ by living the Paschal Mystery and by becoming signs of peace, hope and joy as they strive to bring about the religious and moral rebirth of society,
• To fulfill their Christian vocation as persons who live their life in the world in the ordinary circumstances of family and social life.
Our Congregation offers our Apostles:
• Our Resurrection spirituality which is based on an understanding and appreciation of God’s unconditional love for each person
• Monthly formation meetings
• Opportunities for a deeper life of prayer (Rule # 18)
• Prayerful support of the Congregation: a monthly remembrance at Mass and prayer of the Sisters; remembrance also on the anniversary of the death of an Apostle.
We welcome women who desire to come to our formation meetings to learn about our Resurrection spirituality.