At your baptism, you became a child of God, but that was just the beginning of His lifelong call on your heart. And now, He's calling you even deeper: to continue to enter into deeper relationship with Him by completing your sacraments.
Perhaps you have been asked to be a godparent or Confirmation sponsor or you want to complete your sacraments before being married in the Church. Maybe you had a recent "reversion" to the faith or are converting from another Christian denomination. Or perhaps life just happened, and you (or your child) just never completed the sacraments.
Whatever the reason, God still has so much in store for you. It's not about getting a "certificate of completion" or checking off milestone boxes - rather that through the sacraments, God has a whole bunch of gifts or graces to give you (like courage, patience, discernment, and union with Him) that help you live the life of abundance that Jesus promises.
So let's get you ready for that abundant life. We cannot wait to help you complete your sacraments!
Important note: This page is for you if you were baptized, even in another Christian denomination, but never received First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. If you are looking for information on baptizing a child, click here. If you are an adult who was never baptized but wants to become Catholic, click here.
When we talk about "completing sacraments," we're referring specifically to the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. These three sacraments are pivotal in establishing one's relationship as a child of God, being redeemed and unified to His Body sacrificed for us, and receiving the graces to be able to live as a Christian.
Because let's face it: Being a person of faith is quickly becoming countercultural. It's not easy to be Catholic, but these three sacraments provide us with the foundation we need to persevere in the faith. They make our invisible faith that we cannot see into physical, visible reminders of how much God love us. They are truly gifts from God, so why not take all the help we can get?
You're here in a panic because you realized your child didn't make their sacraments when they were "supposed" to. Take a deep breath - it's okay. Everything happens in God's timing. Let's get your son or daughter caught up through our Out of Sequence Sacraments program.
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First, we want to acknowledge the huge step you're considering. We know that it takes a lot of discernment (and maybe some nagging from the Lord, whatever works) to explore converting to Catholicism. Please know that our prayers are with you as you continue to walk this journey, and we are honored that you would consider us as the people who would get to accompany you. We don't take that responsibility lightly, and we commit to meeting your dedication with our own - to answering your questions, praying for you, and sharing with you the truth and joy we've found in the Catholic faith.
As a baptized Christian, you already have the foundations of being a child of God and knowing the Lord; now, we'll simply build on that foundation. You will not need to be "rebaptized" - the Catholic Church recognizes all baptisms, even those in other Christian denominations, as sacraments. Therefore, we'll focus on Catholic teachings you may not have encountered in your current denomination (like the Eucharist, Mary, and Church Tradition) and continue to deepen your relationship with Jesus.
Although you are already baptized, you will prepare for the reception of the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation through our RCIA program, which is the Church's process for journeying with people considering converting to Catholicism.
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Welcome home! Remember, everything happens in God's timing. Whatever the reason you were not able to complete your sacraments, we are overjoyed that you are here now. The graces you'll receive in these sacraments will mark the rest of your life, and we pray that going through this preparation will develop or deepen your relationship with Jesus and convict you of God's incredible love for you.
As a baptized Catholic, you already have the foundation of being a child of God; now, we'll simply build on that foundation. This isn't religious education for adults - our goal will be to teach you the faith in the context of adult life. So we won't just read the Bible or talk about the Commandments; we'll also wrestle with their application in real life. By the time you receive your sacraments, you won't just have "book knowledge" of the faith - you'll have a lived relationship rooted in understanding and experience.
Although you are already baptized, you will prepare for the reception of the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation through our RCIA program, which is the Church's process for journeying with people who are completing their Sacraments of Initiation to become full members of the Church.
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Welcome home! Remember, everything happens in God's timing. Whatever the reason you were not able to complete your sacraments, we are overjoyed that you are here now. The graces you'll receive in this sacrament will mark the rest of your life, and we pray that going through this preparation will develop or deepen your relationship with Jesus and convict you of God's incredible love for you.
As a baptized Catholic who has received First Holy Communion, you already have the foundation of being a child of God and having received Him; now, we'll simply build on that foundation. This isn't religious education for adults - our goal will be to teach you the faith in the context of adult life. So we won't just read the Bible or talk about the Commandments; we'll also wrestle with their application in real life. By the time you receive the sacrament, you won't just have "book knowledge" of the faith - you'll have a lived relationship rooted in understanding and experience.
Although you are already baptized and received First Holy Communion, you will prepare for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation through our RCIA program, which is the Church's process for journeying with people who are completing their Sacraments of Initiation to become full members of the Church.
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