It's all been leading to this: the hours of religious education classes and study, all to prepare you for the ultimate question - are you ready to take on the Catholic faith as your own? We are honored to help you prepare for this incredible beginning of your life as an adult in the faith.
Group A
Retreat is September 14, 2024 9:30AM -1:00PM
Group B
Retreat is September 21, 2024 9:30AM -1:00PM
Group A
Saturday, March 29,2025 at 10:30AM
Group B
Practice in Wednesday, March 26,2025 7PM in the Church
Saturday, March 29,2025 at 1:00PM
SDSC, Mrs. Buyes, Ms. Falcone, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. McMahon
Mrs. Cornett, Mrs. Landaira, Mrs. Thorn, Mrs. Toth, Home School
Discuss choosing a Saint who will be the patron of the teen and whose name will be taken by the Confirmation candidate. Discuss the service hours that are needed as part of spiritual formation for Confirmation. Anything teens do in service for others (people, not animals) that is freely given without pay is acceptable assuming that the service is consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Due date for Saint Report with Confirmation Candidate Form is due before November 1st. Catechists can set a specific date as long as the Religious Ed office recieves the Saint Reports the week of November 1st. Note: The Confirmation Candidate Form should be attached to the saint report.
Saint Report Directive
Confirmation Candidate Form
Due date for the Sponsor Form is the week of November 16. This needs to be filled out by the chosen sponsor and both signed and sealed by the sponsor's parish church. A sponsors must be at least 16 years old and must faithfully worship and live the Cathlic faith. Parents are not allowed to be the sponsors of their own child.
Sponsor Form
Due date for the Service Hour Form is the first week in December (no later than December 5th). The Sacramental Fee is due the same week if it was not paid at the time of registration.
Service Hour Form
Still not sure what name to pick? Here's an excellent article that includes saints who achieved holiness as young adults, saints whose names will be difficult for Bishop to pronounce, and saints for specific intentions: Biggest and Best List of Confirmation Saints
(Advice adapted from The Kids Guide to Service Projects by Barbara A. Lewis)
- Serve because Jesus did and you are committed to live His way of life. He said, “I came to serve, not to be served.”
- Serve because things are not the way they should be so do something to change things for the better.
- Imagine how good it will feel to know you made a difference for someone else.
- Think about the talents and abilities you’ll develop: leadership skills, organizational skills, public speaking skills, etc.
- When you apply to colleges and look for jobs, you’ll discover that admissions official and employers are impressed by young people who serve. More and more colleges are looking beyond grades and test scores for students who give of themselves. More and more companies are encouraging their employees to contribute their time and energy to community service projects.
- You might find your life’s direction and purpose through service. A service project can put you in touch with people you might not otherwise meet and opportunities you might not otherwise have. Your personal world will expand and grow in ways you never imagined.
- You’ll feel yourself growing in positive – and surprising- ways. This is what happens when we challenge ourselves to make a difference.
What would I like to do?
What might benefit the most people?
What might make the biggest difference?
What can I afford (in terms of time, money, etc,)
What is possible for me to do?
What do I have a passion about?
What . . . (Add your own questions.)
Serve with others – it’s more do-able and fun that way!
Choose people who share your interest in the project and who are likely to stay with you until it is completed.
Here is a list of items if you choose to coordinate a food drive.
Confirmation sponsors must be: